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Crisis Communications and Turnaround

Crisis situations can arise suddenly and quickly impact a business. Crises occur in very different forms: restructurings, sudden product recalls, financial crises, bankruptcies, major accidents or the wrong handling of stakeholders such as NGOs or citizens' initiatives. Those who do not react properly generally exacerbate the situation.

Decisive in the handling is above all a good preparation. The execution of a specific timetable gives you time and security. But, even if you are already in crisis mode, a structured and calm approach will help.

Good communications convince and build up trust. Speed ensures that you stay in the driver seat.

In times of crisis, people sometimes doubt the future viability of the company and employees may even lose confidence in their own current and future life situation. Good communication builds this confidence back up – towards employees as well as external stakeholders.

The following golden rules apply:

  1. Prepare yourself: In an emergency, you can react quickly and competently.
  2. Be attentive: A supposedly harmless situation can quickly get out of hand.
  3. Be fast and always available: That is essential for staying in the driver seat.
  4. Show empathy: In emotional situations, technical and number driven messages do not help.
  5. One voice policy: Make sure everyone uses the same messaging.
  6. Inform all stakeholders: Suppliers, mayors or trade credit insurers can also tip the scales.
  7. Look forward: Explain the next steps and describe your goals.

Crisis situations often push the communications team to its limits. As an interim manager I support you and your team and help you master the crisis successfully.

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