oldtimer with broken axis

Transformation and change communications

Digitization, globalization and the resulting changes in the labor market drive companies. Businesses need to adapt to changes faster and faster.

To stay successful, it is crucial that you take your employees along with you.

Describe your goal

Where should the transformation lead to? If your employees don’t know where the company is heading, you will increasingly encounter fears and resistance. Change is a challenge for every individual – everybody leaves their comfort zone. To one or the other employee preserving the status quo seems safer at first sight. To break these barriers good persuasion is needed.

Take your employees along

Do not develop measures in the corporate offices of your company without the participation of your employee base. The most sustainable change comes from within. Listen and involve employees in the development of change measures and their communication. That’s how you get their buy-in.

Just as important as the involvement of your employees is a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities, especially in times of change and transformation. Who is responsible for the progress of the project? Who takes care of the implementation of individual steps? This must be communicated openly and clearly.

Give regular updates

Be sure to give regular updates. Allow staff feedback and adjust if necessary.

It is crucial that you accompany transformation and change processes closely. Communicate the project status, next steps and successes. As an interim manager, I set up the right communication processes and accompany your company in times of change.

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